Public Lab Wiki documentation


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Reagents are a type of chemical which react to a specific compound, typically changing color or opacity when that compound is present. Usually, you add a few drops of a reactive chemical into a container of your sample, and look for a color change. Some reagents are dried onto flat strips or put inside glass tubes (for air testing).



Reagents are a really broad category, but some techniques related to them may be usable for various target chemicals.

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Title Author Updated Likes Comments
What are the best practices for the management of lab chemicals? @Rehan over 2 years ago 5
How to Test Soil for Oil & Gas Contaminants* please contribute @DanielleS almost 6 years ago 5
Anyone have experience with diy soil testing methods for contaminants- Colorimetry, spectometry, reagents, etc? @DanielleS almost 6 years ago 1
LaMotte and Earth Force low cost Water Monitoring kit @stevie over 6 years ago 2
How can we detect contaminants in water samples with a DIY spectrometer using reagents? @warren about 7 years ago 1
Draft: Find the concentration of a liquid with a DIY spectrometer @warren about 7 years ago 3
Does the Beer Lambert law apply to the opacity of reagents? @warren about 7 years ago 4
Question: Can DIY-spectrometer be used for analysis of soil @interestedperson_ha over 8 years ago 7
Evaluation of Pesticide Residues in Organic Raspberries using Different Extraction Solvents @silverhammer almost 11 years ago 7
Detecting Pesticides in Organic and Conventional Raspberries using Open Source Instrumentation @silverhammer almost 11 years ago 8
Reagent-based PAH, VOH, PCB testing kits for soil and water, with pricing @warren almost 11 years ago 0